30 day challenge

Trying to decipher our behavior, often times we come to realize that we conduct our lives rather unilaterally, dreading change as if it was something we never want to deal with. It worked so far, so why changing things? Why deny our intrinsic fear of the new, unfamiliar?

And so it happens that we go with our lives living more of a routine than anything else. We narrow our focus on repetitive behavior, habits, more often than not a whole set of boundaries and rules girded too tight that we lose sense of who we are.

Realizing that the need to stay in the comfort zone, even though rudimentary, is still an obstacle not allowing us to fully enjoy life, we ought to do s

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secrets of success

Many of us can succeed in life by sheer persistence, following only one given approach, only one laid pattern. But, the truth of the matter is that they constitute the smallest number of successful people.

The majority got there simply by implementing and blindly following habits and routines that can transform us, allow us to transcend to a higher level of success.

The secrets of success then, we might assume, are some steps that are hard to be find, yet alone climb. And such presumption is wrong by a long-shot.

Here are 10 secrets of success that, if followed, are going to make a tremendous difference over the long run.

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measure self improvement

Self-improvement is an ever evolving thing. And having this fact in mind it’s fairly hard to recognize the real progress, value the results for what they are. We either tend to over-praise whatever happens, or fall in a entirely different category, where every progress is devalued, neglected.

So, how to know the results? How to recognize the shift for better? How to know the difference in order to label the change without doubt?

It’s pretty hard answering this, isn’t it?
We may be deep into denial of real progress, deliberately devaluating our efforts, or have our head buried in the sand, only thinking that we are making some progress.

Try these

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dealing with criticism

When you are starting with something good, with something that brings you one bar higher on your way to success, things always tend to go south, right? Some may argue that it’s Murphy’s Law in practice, but truth be told, it’s something slightly more complex, and less of a voodoo.

If you are starting to make changes you are more than likely to make progress. It’s a given. And as soon as this happens, you are slightly detaching yourself from status quo, thus leaving the herd.

And here comes the harsh reality- people don’t like to see someone different. Many of us are just plain scared of acknowledging that someone has done things differently and had better results.

Many are

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stop making excuses

Improving yourself is more a matter of doing something, right? At least that’s what we were being told. But what if I tell you that we can dramatically improve ourselves, transcend our current capacity, increase our chance for success, all by not doing things we already do, things that we find hard to detach from?

You see, the truth of the matter is, we all need change in order to improve. And more often than not our daily dosage of change consists, more than partially, of adding some new self-improvement techniques.

We start eating those vegetables, or start getting up early, or do those push-ups, and call it a day, right? Now, don’t get me wrong, I

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