break up with the conventional

Break up with the conventional. I don’t usually start my articles with a suggestion, advice or anything of the like right away, but this is an exception. I will even repeat that as to emphasize it: Break up with the conventional!

No matter what people think, we are excellent judges of what is good for us, or where we should fix something. And taken on an individual scale this concept of mine is quite easily proven. The thing is, you see, that we are awful at judging things objectively when we are part of the herd. When we follow what most of society does, we tend to oversee any flaw whatsoever, and narrow our perception.

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personal growth

Using the concept of mortality as a purely intellectual tool in achieving personal growth is something that is rare to be found in many books out there. It is a concept that pushes personal growth far above expectations and, truth be told, dramatically changes the game.

Outlining that we are all going to die, gradually makes us aware of the importance of things, or moreover the lack of it. Being naked in front of this realization we start perceiving things rather differently. The fear of failure, things that bug us on daily basis, people we interact with, problems we give too much attention to, they all fade away in front of this concept of mortality should we

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Enjoy the moment

Looking through a prism of common knowledge it goes by default that savoring a moment in time is the recipe for enjoyment and fulfillment. And as a rule of thumb enjoying the moment translates into being focused, allowing yourself to enter into a state of mind that dictates full participation in what you do or experience.

Hence connecting with a moment in time is partially understood as detaching from the clutter which is present more often than not. Focusing on a given moment, we tend to find additional beauty in it, feel content for no apparent reason. It’s the element of focus that gives the huge satisfaction.

However, in neither set of cases does this re

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creativity and change

Over time I feel like I advocated change more than anyone else. It moves things, creates constant adapting through movement, and that in my experience leads only to growth and success. But a thing that is often overlooked is what change does in the sense of moving things on the short term.

Our first intrinsic interest seams to always target emotions. How come? You see, most of us are used to experiencing the same emotions, and in this repetitive cycle even one small change is one change too many.

Our comfort zone is not present only in the sense of being and doing, it’s also shaped in the sense of feeling. And knowing that creativity is tightly connected with emotions

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Ramsay - Blog Tyrant

Today’s interview is going to be with Ramsay, one of the most popular bloggers in Australia and most definitely a big figure in the blogging world as well. He is also known under the name Blog Tyrant, name by which he existed on the net and gained his huge reputation and authority in the internet marketing niche.

Currently you can find him on his site Blog Tyrant, where he teaches people how to blog their way up to a decent income, create a stream of passive income, as well as attain a lifestyle which, when created, will allow them to enjoy life while doing what they are most passionate about.

But enough with the introduction, let’s ask

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