dealing with criticism

When you are starting with something good, with something that brings you one bar higher on your way to success, things always tend to go south, right? Some may argue that it’s Murphy’s Law in practice, but truth be told, it’s something slightly more complex, and less of a voodoo.

If you are starting to make changes you are more than likely to make progress. It’s a given. And as soon as this happens, you are slightly detaching yourself from status quo, thus leaving the herd.

And here comes the harsh reality- people don’t like to see someone different. Many of us are just plain scared of acknowledging that someone has done things differently and had better results.

Many are

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stop making excuses

Improving yourself is more a matter of doing something, right? At least that’s what we were being told. But what if I tell you that we can dramatically improve ourselves, transcend our current capacity, increase our chance for success, all by not doing things we already do, things that we find hard to detach from?

You see, the truth of the matter is, we all need change in order to improve. And more often than not our daily dosage of change consists, more than partially, of adding some new self-improvement techniques.

We start eating those vegetables, or start getting up early, or do those push-ups, and call it a day, right? Now, don’t get me wrong, I

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Stop Overcomplicating Your Life

The way we conduct ourselves in this world is through the concept of action; Never submitting to the course of events without desperately trying to change them. But somewhere down the road we get into a position where we tend to overdo, overcomplicate.

Schedule, time management, plans for work, diet, workout, productivity – nothing is left unchecked. And going through all of this, we come to realize, later rather than sooner, that we are beating our head over it a bit too much.

Overcomplicating things is becoming a habit nowadays, and I can see many people, wasting time and energy into something that has become more of an act of habit instead of a conscious drive that pushes them to im

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like-minded circle

Checking the comment section today, an interesting thought occurred to me. Going through couple of comments and answering them, I came to realize that there is a strong need that I sense, to connect with people who share the same frequency as I.

It is in our inherent nature, I assume, to form groups with people similar to us in any way, and such a need even though not fully realized may represent a strong drive for many of us.

Ignorant or not, about the fact that this behavior is deeply embedded in our code, we start a search for like-minded people, feeling happy beyond words when there are some out there.

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do we really want success

You are probably wondering what on Earth is wrong with me, right? Of course we like success?

But is it all just a vague rhetoric we are putting perpetually in front of us, deliberately trying to hide the truth, to escape the reality of it?

Well, in all honesty, I can say for myself, as well as for the majority of people I know, that we are sometimes only wishing success, but partially, halfheartedly.

I figured out this quite recently, to be honest, and it just made me question my whole perception on achieving success.

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