being productive

Being productive is something we are pursuing relentlessly without questioning the outer limits of it. There is no such thing as too productive, we think, and often times we are obsessing with it in excess.

If you are addicted to self-improvement, and in any way beat your head over being more productive the larger part of the day, then you probably never even came to realize that fanatically trying to increase productivity, you are only limiting yourself and your potential.

Hence, can the very idea of increasing productivity turn as counterproductive on the long run?

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Challenging Yourself

It’s already familiar to us that real progress happens when we are prone to leaving our comfort zone. And challenging yourself to do that has become something of a set rule.

Wanting to believe this, we are getting in terms that it must be done.

But it’s not being out of your comfort zone that gives the results, it’s the length of the stretch you are about to make when out of it.

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Too Much Technology

If you and I stop for a second and realize that even now, as we are interacting with each other, we are using technology. And not only that we are just using it, but in a way we are being dependent on it, relying too much on technology, sometimes even to the extent of shaping our life according to it.

And as time progresses, we come to realize that instead of being less dependent on technology, we are in fact becoming more and more so.

Detaching from technology is possible if done one step at a time, and by doing it you will find yourself better off, while enjoying things with less of a distraction, and more freedom.

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How to Improve your Self Esteem

Whatever that we do, or encounter in life, is immediately measured within our mind, within our own perception. Because of this we tend to label things as good or bad; our actions as appropriate or not; satisfying our standards or not even being close to them.

Improving our perception and acceptance of ourselves will be lot more easier with applying these simple techniques. It will improve our life while improving our self-esteem.

Therefore learning how to improve your self-esteem can be a truly life changing experience for most of us.

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