how to be happy now

If deeper thinking is being done it is obvious that happiness can exist only in the present time, regardless the circumstances – Everyone can be happy now.

Yet we are raised in a belief system which favors a different rationale – that we will be happy when we are finished with our goal, when we reach a certain destination, when we have the certain amount of money, status or whatnot…

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how to define productivity

Being productive, and moreover managing productivity, is not something we inherently poses. It’s not a tree, but rather a television set – something we defined as an abstract concept and learned, through time, to categorize it. And no matter how good we’ve become in the process, it is still somewhat counterintuitive.

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fitness as an important aspect of personal growth

If we try to define personal growth, we quickly come to realize that the area is rather broad and that new ideas in terms of what we can improve constantly come along the way.

But every once in a while we stumble across some technique or area of improvement which comprises more elements into one; something that stands for more than just what it looks – Enters fitness.

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information consumption

Sarah is a graphic designer. She loves her job, enjoys the intellectual stretch, and finds flexing her creative muscles invigorating time and again. What she on the other hand hates is being addicted to information consumption.

She doesn’t hate the curiosity and finds acquiring knowledge to be just as interesting as anything else, but it is not that segment of information consumption which she despises.

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