How To Recognize Self-Doubt and Eliminate It

When you start to think about how we are expected to perform in almost any given area of our life, be that career, family life and so on, you will notice an interesting correlation between how successfully a certain task or goal has been reached with the introduction of deadlines and some sort of punishment. And while questioning common assumptions about how things work is something I usually care to advocate, the reality is that you can use this conditioning in order to perform better.

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Living in a digitalized world it seems like the classic hardcover book quickly loses popularity. And for reasons outlined many times by the average iPad or Kindle junkie we are, one by one, led to believe that it’s best to throw whatever copy we have in our closet and start downloading books, storing them in our hard drives, tablets or whatnot.

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small changes lead towards big-results

Have you ever watched a golf match? You know the fundamentals at least, right? You place the ball, take your swing with the club and see if it gets anywhere near the hole.

And here is the interesting thing about golf – Changing the angle under which you hit the ball reflects by changing where the ball lands by couple of meters or even more. Interesting, huh?

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